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Booking systems

Take reservations in English and Japanese.

Online booking is becoming an increasingly integral part of running a hospitality or service business. A large percentage of customers prefer to book online over making phone-calls, often to the point they will ignore companies which require direct contact bookings.

This ability to take bookings without interaction is exponentially more important when working in a multi-language and multi-time zone environment where customers may not be confident speaking the countries native language or may not be able to call easily during business hours. The option of an online booking allows the customer to make the reservation in a stress-free way at their convenience and in their own first language.

In addition to the great conversion rate and ease of use online bookings provide, these reservation systems can also dramatically reduce management time, cost and complexity. net+ can produce all types of booking systems, from simple booking form email systems through to large database systems which provide real-time availability information and more.

As of 2013 there are hundreds of bookings moving through booking systems net+ created every day. We are experienced in making booking systems for Hotels, Ryokans, Onsens, Tour operators and providing 3rd party system intergration for services such as opentable.

Japanese booking reservation system

Mobile booking system

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