Nagano-Shi, Japancontact [at] netplus [dot] jpnetplusjp9:00 - 6:00 Mon - Fri

Japanese language web design

Japanese language services

Net+ provides multilingual design services with Japanese and English language design done in-house.

Designing for a Japanese audience is not limited to translation, it requires a wealth of cultural knowledge to produce a design which is not just aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly for the target audience. Creating a culturally sensitive information architecture is key to converting Japanese customers.

A great analogy for these differing information architectures are supermarkets, which like websites have a wide variety of items grouped into categories. If you wanted to find icing sugar, in an standard American supermarket you would walk to the section with food staples, flour and sugar.

However a Japanese person in an American supermarket may not be able to find the icing sugar at all! at a minimum they will waste a lot of time searching. In Japanese supermarkets, icing sugar is generally separated from other sugars and flour in a dedicated baking section.

Like items in supermarkets, your Japanese websites information not only needs to be in the target language, but organized and labelled in a culturally sensitive way that allows your audience to find what they want.

Net+ draws on years of experience designing for Japanese audiences and for larger projects can conduct focus group sorting exercises with your target audience to ensure the highest possible utilisation and conversion rates.

In addition to design services, SEO, analytics, booking systems and e-commerce can all be produced to function with a multi-language system. Currently ongoing support is restricted to Japanese and English only.

Would you like net+ to produce your Japanese site?